Tricopigmentation is a treatment when technician inserts the pigment into upper layer of dermis imitating shaven hair follicles. This treatment is amazing when you want to hide your baldness, scars, visible hairline.
The result fades out after 18-24 months, so in this case you will need touch up. Tricopigmentation is fastly becoming a popular solution alongside traditional options like hair transplant surgery, wigs and drugs. It offers exceptional guaranteed results of course if you choose the right technician. There are several types of tricopigmentation:
FOR 10 days:
The result of the treatment is determined by the following: medication, skin characteristics (dry, oily, sun-damaged, thick or thin skin type), Personal pH balance of your skin, alcohol intake and smoking, post procedure aftercare. Upon completion of the procedure there may be swelling and redness of the skin, which will subside within 1-4 days depending organism. Immediately after the procedure the enhancement can be 30 to 50% darker than the desired result and it can take between 4-10 days to lighten. The true colour will be visible 1 month after each application, and the color may vary according to skin tones, skin type, age and skin conditions. Some skins accept color more readily than others and no guarantee of an exact effect or color can be given.
If the client follows the aftercare, she/he will get small scabs – thin layer of crust that will be peeling of itself. It is very important not to scratch treatment area(client can feel itching) as you can easily loose the pigment together with scratching. If this happen, mostly there is no pigment left and skin can be white or even reddish because of irritation. The irritation will disappear within a few days. Sometimes the client can see redness the same day after the treatment. This is also normal and it disappears in the next few days.
The touch up is recommended no earlier than 30 days. Usually, we recommend to come for touchup up to 3 months. During the touch up, the client can add more color.
Is it painful?
What tools and products are used for treatment?
What is the duration of the treatment?
What are the treatment steps?